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Thursday, February 17, 2011

1, 25, 50, 75

From February 19th until August 7th we have 4 generations of significant birthdays. My dad is 75, I am 50, Haley is 25 and Audrey is 1. Just seems sorta neat that it is that way this year.

We didn't get to spend Haleys birthday on his birthday as he had to work, but on Dads birthday (the 17th) Haley, Casey, Audrey and I all went to Freeport for the day.

Haley had birthday money that needed spending and he knew exactly what he wanted- a road bike from LL Bean.

Haley being Haley, it took him hours to learn every thing about every bike they sell and make a decision so that gave us girls some time to shop without him pestering us! Casey and Audrey got a couple of outfits, I got nothing. Oh well, I need nothing.

After Freeport we went to Portland and ate at Chilis, then we all called Dad and sang him Happy Birthday. Mom and him were busy preparing for a birthday get together they were doing later in the evening for a bunch of the gang they hang out with in California. It's hard being so far away during special occasions.

We wrapped the day up with a bit more shopping, planning for our upcoming trip to Florida and talking about the year that had gone by. Oh, and Haley got his new bike as expected.

Audreys birthday isn't until Saturday but both of her parents have to work so we are celebrating it on Tuesday at her other grandmothers house. I can't believe that little monkey is going to be one. But then again I can't believe Haley is 25, I can't believe my dad is 75 and I sure can't believe that I am 50. Where do the years go?

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