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Friday, February 4, 2011

Karma, You Really Let Me Down.

I know I have to be mindful of what I say here. I know by the stats that I have more viewers than I have followers and I also know that I can't take away anyone's power to print- that being said, and still trying to be tactful, I am gutted over an article in today's local newspaper, well no, not the article but the subject matter.

It very closely follows a few of my most recent blogs, and while the person mentioned in the article was not the one who caused my demise, he was certainly in cahoots and certainly did nothing to support me or who is who I would consider "a person who never turns a back on a fellow officer" as the recent award he won indicates.

It's too bad too, because the subject mentioned in the article started out as a good man. He was. He was a good supervisor and a good guy who I respected, trusted and befriended. I never had one issue with him until the union of the B's formed and he turned into just another short sighted egotistical uniformed man with a stripe. That so surprised me too. I had held him in so much higher regard. However it just goes to show that even someone with as much dignity and experience as this man had, he was still able to be sucked in to a crowd hell bent on supplementing their ego by picking on the defenseless.

I would like to think that over the years this man had redeemed himself, realized that he was better than the group he fell into but the fact that he has been out on sick leave for pretty much as long as I have been unemployed, that really hasn't afforded him the time to fix the err of his ways.

Three years ago I would have been applauding this award and it's receiver, now it just makes me sick. What also makes me sick is that I always felt like him being absent from his job for over a year, was Karma's way of dealing with him. Now I just feel like absolution is, well, given away too easily to some people.

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