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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Audrey's Second First Birthday

Today was the first time since Aud's birthday that everyone had a day off so we were able to have her official first birthday party at her Grammie Kim's house.

I'd list all of the gifts that she received but since they have been spread out over the last few days I am not even sure! I know that I got her her first Barbie doll (and plan to make that a tradition) plus a Buzz Lightyear ride on toy and a Disney gift card for our trip in April. Grammie Kim got her a bunch of new outfits, and I think Audrey scored some cash from Great Grandmother Claudette! This is all in addition to the cash she scored from her other great grandparents, plus clothes and toys galore from Mommy and Daddy!

We had some excellent pizza, and cake and ice cream complete with singing and Audrey showed no hesitation in sticking her hand in the cake and breaking off a piece! I'ts nice to be one. As the years go by I am sure she will be less and less encouraged to stick her hand in the cake and break off her own piece :)

Prior to the party though she had a doctors appointment where she had to get 5 shots! Poor baby- I am glad I wasn't there to witness it but it did remind me of when Haley was sick on one of his child hood birthdays and had to get an shot. Hopefully that will not be a tradition!

Not a lot else to write about today- I have been bogged down in the mind department and it's taken it's toll on my creative writing skills. Hopefully I will get over that pretty soon. In the meantime, I have packing to do for Disney, we leave in 39 days and I have barely even started!

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