Last year, 2010, there were 162 police officers killed in the line of duty. That averages one every 2.25 days.
So far in 2011, there have been 14 officers killed in the line of duty, that averages one every 1.85 days. At this current rate, 2011 will see 198 officers killed.
With the exception of officers lost as a result of 9/11/01, the last time a death toll above 198 was reached was in 1981, where 201 officers lost their lives.
In addition to the 14 killed over the last 24 days, there have also been 11 who have been shot but have so far survived.
These staggering numbers worry me.
While I may be more pro police than just the average person, even I will admit that not all police deserve to wear their uniform. I have known some dirty ones, some corrupt ones, some who lack morality, some who would be better suited to training junk yard dogs and some who are just plain assholes. Luckily, these are the minority, but none of them, no matter what, deserve to be gunned down simply because of the job they do.
For every officer killed on duty there is someone left behind that will never get over the loss. My greatest hope is that no one in my family will ever have to experience this. That's all I have to say today.
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