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Friday, January 14, 2011

Sorry Peter...

I griped, I complained, I joined many anti LePage sites, I researched, and reached out, to the point where people were sick of listening to me.

I wrote letter after letter to the editor(s) that never got published, I made phone calls that were ignored and wrote emails that were never answered.

I did all I could do within the scope of my abilities to encourage people to understand what an uncouth, brazen, lying, cheating, bully of an ass this man is, and I would hope that at least now, some of his supporters would regret their decisions, however...

With every other post on Facebook being something about our Governors despicable behavior, what I find most unsettling is the amount of people who think it is OK. "Its about time we had someone that spoke their mind" I read. "I for one don't see a problem with this" I read.

I hope that the people who don't have a problem with Governor LePage's lack of protocol, precedent and just plain civility, feel the same way when he decides not to participate in other so called Special Interest Groups, or events normally attended by the Governor of Maine. For instance:

Come this July 4th, will Governor LePage refuse to take place in any Independence Day ceremonies and sarcastically say the American people can "kiss my butt" if they don't like it?

Come this Veterans Day, will Governor LePage refuse to take part in any ceremonies honoring our military and blatantly tell our soldiers and veterans that if they don't like it they can "kiss my butt"?

Come Christmas... well, strike Christmas, I am sure he would not consider Christians to be a special interest group.

Governor LePage, you have been in office for less than 10 days and you have once again proven to be an embarrassment to the people of this state. I can attempt to understand your lack of self control, your foot in mouth syndrome and even your lapse in judgment but what I can not accept is your jocularity after having made such an ass out of yourself and your audacity believing what you do or say is OK.

I would love to tell you to "kiss my butt" or really any one of your profane catch phrases, but in all actuality, I can't stand to think of myself stooping to that level.

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