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Monday, January 24, 2011

Turning The LePage

It's official. I can't stand it anymore. I am seriously thinking of unjoining all of my anti LePage Facebook sites because of the level of frustration they bring me every single day when I see yet another immoral, unethical, repulsive, arrogant, idiotic blurb or comment that has come from this mans mouth.

I spent a good chunk of last summer and half of the fall developing my bleeding ulcer at the mere thought that LePage could be elected Governor. After November 3rd, I had 2 months of at least not having to see or hear about him every single day, but not anymore. Now it's everyday, often more than once a day that I am taunted by his utter ridiculousness and what seems to be some sort of power he has over one third of Mainers that think he is God's gift to the Blaine House.

It grinds at me the way he is constantly being defended. "So what if he hired his 22 year old daughter (who has never done anything but wait tables) to a 41K a year job with his regime and lets her live of the tax payers in the Governors Mansion with him and the rest of his klan" OK, klan should not been part of the " " , but still... and "who cares if he is appointing people to his cabinet who donated buckets of money to his campaign, what's wrong with that" and "I admire a guy who will tell our president to go to hell and the NAACP to kiss his butt, so long as he follows it up with reminding us that he has a black son" (New definition of black son is "to temporarily house a 17 year old from Jamaica and who is not a US citizen")

Now don't get me wrong, if the guy can reduce taxes and bring jobs to the state then I am all for it. Of course I am, who wouldn't be? But does he have to do it by making the State of Maine look like a melting pot for hot tempered, vulgar liars?

So as you can see I seriously can't stand it anymore. I realized last summer/fall that any opposition to this man is a useless endeavor and that it only serves to waste my time and raise my blood pressure. He will do what he wants to do and the two thirds of us who think he is inept can just kiss his butt and go to hell.

My new motto, "if there is nothing that I can do about it, then I chose to be ignorantly blissful" . It may not be very pro active but it may keep my future aneurysm on hold for a little while longer.

PS: Who I am kidding?

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