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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh For The Love Of GRRRR - Corn!

I have had a bag of cracked corn sitting in my garage for 2 and a half years. I bought it for the spring ducks when I first moved here and I still have about 8 pounds of the 10 pound bag.

To my surprise, nothing that it was not intended for has ever tried to eat it. Frankly I found that odd, but it certainly pleases me.

Last fall I decided to start making corn bags again. I had made some in years past for gifts and thought that perhaps I could sell them at a consignment store my friend owns in downtown Waterville.

I made up 20 or so, had a cute little display barrel to house them and we sold enough of them for me to make back my investment, which was $14 for a fresh bag of corn, uncracked. I don't know how many are left in the store, I stop in once and awhile to collect my 70% and other than that I don't worry about it. Until today.

I almost didn't answer the phone because I didn't recognize the number, but I took a chance that it could be good news... it wasn't. It was the woman who owns the store very politely and apologetically asking me to come and pick up the corn bags. Why, you ask? Because there is a freakin' mouse in them. Or at least we hope it is a mouse- it has not actually been seen, there has just been a gnawing noise going on that was traced over to my barrel of corn bags.

I can't win. Here was something actually simple enough to make a profit on that was a great use for the tons of fabric scraps I hoard, and they had to go and become a feeding frenzy for vermin. (And no I can't sell them on ebay- the shipping cost is more than the product!)

So tomorrow I will go to Waterville to pick up the corn bags and I am damn sure gonna take a cat with me just in case one of the mice gets loose in the car.

Stupid mice. Stupid corn. Stupid cats. Stupid today.

PS: All of my Christmas shopping is done for 2011 now!

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